Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who organizes Vanderbilt Avenue Open Streets?
A: Vanderbilt Open Streets is a community-led initiative organized by the Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council in coordination with NYC Department of Transportation’s NYC-wide Open Streets Program.
Q: Where can I learn about upcoming programming?
A: On this web site! Check back often as we are continuously adding new programs and events!
Q: How can I apply to perform?
A: We’re always looking for new programming. You can submit a proposal here.
Q: Can I sell food or merchandise on Vanderbilt Avenue during Open Streets?
A: No. Under City guidelines, Open Streets are meant to be Civic in nature and free of the sale of merchandise, food, and beverages.
Q: Can I raise money for a charity during Open Streets?
A: Our permits with the City don’t allow for fundraising on Vanderbilt Avenue. (Unfortunately, that includes our own fundraising, too.) If your non-profit organization would like to table on the street, please contact us here.
Q: Can I reserve space during Open Streets for a private event?
A: Even during Open Streets, Vanderbilt Avenue is a public street, so space cannot be reserved. You are welcome to invite friends to join you on Vanderbilt Avenue, though. We just ask you leave room for others to pass by on the roadway.
Q: Can I have a barbecue on Vanderbilt Avenue?
A: No. It is illegal (and dangerous) to barbecue on New York City streets.
Q: What are the hours of operation? Will Vanderbilt Open Streets be canceled for rain or inclement weather?
A: The 2023 season began on April 21 and runs through October 29. The Street is Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday weather permitting during the following hours:
- Fridays: 5PM – 10PM
- Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays: 12PM – 10PM
Vanderbilt Avenue closes to traffic one hour before start and reopens to traffic one hour after closing. Updates to schedule due to weather are posted to instagram and twitter.
Q: How can I support Vanderbilt Open Streets?
A: Vanderbilt Open Streets is possible thanks to volunteers, local business partners and donations. Interested in volunteering? Sign up here. You can help to support Vanderbilt Avenue Open Streets by making a tax-deductible donation here.