Underhill Avenue
The Underhill Avenue Bike Boulevard prioritizes pedestrians and cyclists, and provides traffic calming to make the street safer for all road users. Underhill Avenue operates under DOT’s Open Streets program. Cars share the street with pedestrians and cyclists. On some evenings, programming for families and children is offered from 4PM to 7PM, during which time the block where an event takes place will be fully closed to traffic. Please consult the events schedule here for further details.

DOT announces lower speed limit on Underhill Bike Boulevard
Today DOT informed us that the speed limit on the Underhill Bike Boulevard will be reduced to 10 mph, following enactment of Sammy’s law. Underhill has seen >80% reduction in crashes thanks to the bike boulevard treatment. Now the new speed limit will also lower the risk of serious injury from a crash to below 10%.

DOT workshops on GAP, Vanderbilt and Underhill improvements
The NYC Department of Transportation will begin public outreach for the Grand Army Plaza and Prospect Heights Public Realm Capital Visioning this month with an on-street workshop on Vanderbilt Avenue Saturday, June 15 from 1-4PM between St. Mark’s Avenue and Prospect Place.

Prospect Heights Open Streets announces programming for Car-Free Earth Day and 2024 season schedule
Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council is excited to announce the start of its 5th year of Open Streets and community programming on Vanderbilt Avenue and at Underhill Plaza! The 2024 Open Streets season in Prospect Heights kicks-off at Underhill Plaza on Car-Free Earth Day, Saturday April 20, in partnership with the Department of Transportation.

[Press Release] Underhill Bike Boulevard to move forward after nearly six month delay
The Department of Transportation announced earlier today that the Underhill Avenue Bike Boulevard will move forward as originally planned. This follows a nearly six month delay at the order of Mayor Adams who paused the project in September claiming more community outreach was needed before moving forward, despite two prior years of outreach conducted by DOT.

[Press Release] Following Underhill Avenue crash, street safety advocates highlight efficacy of ‘bike boulevard’ treatment
Early yesterday morning, the FDNY responded to a motor vehicle crash on Underhill Avenue in Prospect Heights following reports that a sedan had collided with a dumpster on the street, according to FDNY incident filings. The collision, which involved a vehicle with a history of speeding, marks the first motor vehicle crash on Underhill Avenue in 2024, a street where Mayor Adams halted construction on a bike boulevard and corresponding safety improvements in September.

DOT announces lower speed limit on Underhill Bike Boulevard
Today DOT informed us that the speed limit on the Underhill Bike Boulevard will be reduced to 10 mph, following enactment of Sammy’s law. Underhill has seen >80% reduction in crashes thanks to the bike boulevard treatment. Now the new speed limit will also lower the risk of serious injury from a crash to below 10%.

DOT workshops on GAP, Vanderbilt and Underhill improvements
The NYC Department of Transportation will begin public outreach for the Grand Army Plaza and Prospect Heights Public Realm Capital Visioning this month with an on-street workshop on Vanderbilt Avenue Saturday, June 15 from 1-4PM between St. Mark’s Avenue and Prospect Place.

Prospect Heights Open Streets announces programming for Car-Free Earth Day and 2024 season schedule
Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council is excited to announce the start of its 5th year of Open Streets and community programming on Vanderbilt Avenue and at Underhill Plaza! The 2024 Open Streets season in Prospect Heights kicks-off at Underhill Plaza on Car-Free Earth Day, Saturday April 20, in partnership with the Department of Transportation.

[Press Release] Underhill Bike Boulevard to move forward after nearly six month delay
The Department of Transportation announced earlier today that the Underhill Avenue Bike Boulevard will move forward as originally planned. This follows a nearly six month delay at the order of Mayor Adams who paused the project in September claiming more community outreach was needed before moving forward, despite two prior years of outreach conducted by DOT.

[Press Release] Following Underhill Avenue crash, street safety advocates highlight efficacy of ‘bike boulevard’ treatment
Early yesterday morning, the FDNY responded to a motor vehicle crash on Underhill Avenue in Prospect Heights following reports that a sedan had collided with a dumpster on the street, according to FDNY incident filings. The collision, which involved a vehicle with a history of speeding, marks the first motor vehicle crash on Underhill Avenue in 2024, a street where Mayor Adams halted construction on a bike boulevard and corresponding safety improvements in September.